Marathon to 5k: A Running Refresh

Ahh the face in that picture, right? The beautiful suck of running a hard-fought 5k. In my last post I mentioned how I was ready to step back from Boston and experience races in other places.  In reality, I am taking a step back from marathons and I’m really excited about it! I ran 3Continue reading “Marathon to 5k: A Running Refresh”

Run + Brunch = RUNch

So many times I have gone on training runs and then used the calories burned as an excuse to enjoy a indulgent brunch.  I always say #caloriesburnedcaloriesearned and #iRuntoEat and I mean it!  Well,  a good friend of mine combined the two into one amazing friend-filled affair by hosting a RUNCH! Basic concept –> bringContinue reading “Run + Brunch = RUNch”

Run Strong – A Weightlifting and Strength Training Routine

I thought it time I share my weightlifting and strength training routine to give a taste of how I, as predominantly a runner, have balanced weightlifting with my running.  I don’t go too long or too heavy, and I don’t always seek to reach complete muscle failure.  It is about finding a weight that isContinue reading “Run Strong – A Weightlifting and Strength Training Routine”

The Adrenaline Playlist

Playlist alert! This week’s post is a fun one!  For those of you who like to run with music, I have a playlist that I started in 2009 for my first Boston Marathon when I got my first iPod nano.  It was my second marathon ever, and the first I had trained for and runContinue reading “The Adrenaline Playlist”

Wanna Go Fast? (An Interval Training Plan for Anyone)

I hear about all kinds of crazy interval training plans and they sound like you would have to be a pro or have a lot of time on your hands to complete them.  I have one that I started using to help people improve on the Army Physical Fitness Test about five years ago.  IContinue reading “Wanna Go Fast? (An Interval Training Plan for Anyone)”

Fall into Racing Season!

I love Fall.  I love cool weather, Ohio State Football, leaves changing, baking with pumpkin, apple harvest, Halloween, Oktoberfest, even the beginning of a new school year.  I did get married in October for these very reasons!  But nothing gets me excited quite like running Fall races!  I sign up for far more races inContinue reading “Fall into Racing Season!”

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