Army 1LT Michael Runyan was killed in action in Muqdadiyah, Iraq on 21 July 2010 while his convoy was on patrol.

He was 24 years old and an Infantry Platoon Leader. I would need to write a book to truly do him justice—which may happen one day if I can gather the courage. For now, I’ll keep this brief.
Anyone who knew Michael will tell you he was an incredible leader, friend, brother, and son. Michael was my boyfriend, best friend, unwavering supporter even when I didn’t deserve him, confidante, and first love. Like love, he was patient and kind, he was not self-seeking nor easily angered. No, he was a perpetually positive person with an infectious smile. He loved swimming, golf, hiking, unrelentingly beating me in every sport except running, fruit roll-ups, hand-written letters, the military, fitness, and his family. And his life was cut short leaving every person who knew him feeling cheated and lost. But damn, did he also give us strength to plod forward in the pursuit of happiness. His character and impact gave many of us the will we needed to survive life without him.
Zach Carter was Michael Runyan’s best friend.

He was the one person—other than maybe his own parents—whose disapproval may have ended our relationship. I think within five minutes of meeting, Zach and I gave each other nicknames and were bent over in laughter. Zach’s brother Nate was one of my closest friends at Xavier University so I’m not surprised we got along! Zach is one of the most kind and genuine people I know. He has put nine years of effort into honoring and remembering his best friend—and finding ways to raise money for worthwhile military and veteran’s organizations along the way. And that brings me to the incredible event Zach has created to honor Michael on the day he made the ultimate sacrifice. Which also happens to be Zach’s birthday.
The Runyan WOD
Every year on July 21, Zach holds the Runyan WOD (workout of the day in CrossFit lingo) to celebrate Michael’s life and commemorate his sacrifice. Last year, for the first time, we created a running WOD for those of us who don’t do CrossFit. I spent plenty of time running miles and doing interval workouts with Michael and not a single burpee or deadlift, so the running WOD is special to me. The WOD is virtual, anyone can do it from anywhere. A few boxes (is that right?) like Molon Labe CrossFit hold a special event but otherwise we can all do this in our own gym or on our own track, or heck on a stretch of road.
If you knew Michael this is a chance to honor a friend, if you didn’t it is a chance to honor a fallen service member while getting a great workout—and if you like, donating some money to charity.
The Original WOD:
For 24 minutes**, complete as many rounds as possible of:
21 burpees over the bar
7 deadlifts @ 1.5 times your bodyweight
10 pullups
**24 minutes represents Michael’s age at the time of his passing while the rep scheme represents the day of his passing.
The Running WOD:
1500 meter warm up
2 x 800 meter w/2 minute rest between
4 x 400 meter w/1 minute rest between
1500 meter cool down
Total** = 6200 meters (just under 4 miles, unless you add recovery jogs during your timed rest)
**The total meters run is equal to 24 (Michael’s age) + 21 + 7 + 10 (day of Michael’s passing) = 62/ 6200 meters
Now the Charity (and swag) Part
A unisex shirt (65%polyester/ 35% cotton/ available sizes XS to 3XL) or lady’s tank (also 65% polyester/ 35% cotton/ available sizes XS to 3XL) has been designed for the WOD. 100% of the proceeds go toward sponsoring wreaths for Wreaths Across America which will take place December 14 at designated cemetery’s across the nation. Volunteers place wreaths at the headstone of as many fallen military members as possible. This will be the second year this event takes place at the Ashland Cemetery. Additional information about this event can be found at
The shirt is $20 ($5 for shipping). To order a shirt, email by JULY 8 with your name, size, designated workout: CrossFit or Running, and address. There are 2 options for payment: Paypal, send payments to, or by check made out to Runyan 5k and addressed to 1301 County Road 1356, Ashland, OH 44805. Zach will mail shirts by July 18th.
So Let’s Do It!
I invite you to join me (virtually) in the Runyan WOD on July 21. Or July 19th or 20th if that’s easier! So let’s go running community, let’s run to remember Michael for his service and sacrifice, and his love for being active!
– Tell us you’re going on the Runyan WOD Facebook Event
– Follow @Runyan_WOD on Instagram
– If you want a shirt, submit your tshirt order via email and donation via PayPal or check
– When you do the workout, post a photo on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #RunyanWOD! We may be doing this workout all over the country (or world?) but we’re doing it together!